TM 5-826-6/AFR 93-5
1-1. Purpose. This manual gives the procedure for performing a pavement condition survey at all airfields with present or
potential Army or Air Force missions. It is intended for use by all personnel responsible for such surveys.
1-2. Scope. The airfield pavement condition survey is a visual inspection of both rigid and flexible pavement for signs of
pavement distress. The pavement condition index (PCI) is a numerical rating which indicates the type and severity of the
inspected distress. The airfield condition survey and the resulting PCI are the primary means of obtaining and recording
important airfield pavement performance data. This manual describes the condition survey of both flexible pavements (all
pavements with conventional bituminous concrete surfaces) and rigid pavements (jointed portland cement concrete
pavements with joint spacing not exceeding 25 feet), and the procedure for determining the PCI of pavement inspected.
1-3. Objectives. Specific objectives of a condition survey are to determine present condition of the pavement in terms of
apparent structural integrity and operational surface condition, to provide a common index for comparing the condition and
performance of pavements at all air stations along with a rational basis for justification of pavement repair projects, and
provide feedback on pavement performance for validation and improvement of current pavement design, evaluation, and
maintenance procedures.