UFC 3-260-11FA
25 May 2005
INTRODUCTION. The goal of the RFP and the proposal development is to
provide the Government and the D-B Contractor with a clear, mutual understanding of
the contractually required end product. The less detailed the technical requirements
included in the RFP, the more the opportunity the Contractor has to choose designs and
equipment with the lowest initial cost but a higher life-cycle cost due to higher
maintenance costs and a shorter service life. Therefore, all conditions or elements
essential to the project must be stated in the RFP. If the Government requirements are
not clearly defined and stated in the RFP, or specified in the accepted D-B proposal, the
Contractor will not be obligated to provide any of those preferences, and the project
may be compromised.
REFERENCES. Refer to Chapter 1 of TI 800-03 for more information on
facility criteria.
Note: Appendix A contains a comprehensive list of references used in this UFC.
RFP FACILITY CRITERIA. The extent of criteria in an RFP can range
from minimal to full project definition. Each D-B project has unique features that will
result in the use of different levels of detail in the RFP. Three general levels of RFP
criteria can be used in the preparation of an RFP and are discussed in more detail in TI
Nominal Criteria. The Government states the purpose, function, and
characteristics of the project and provides pavement designs. The D-B Contractor is
then responsible to determine design parameters and detailed project definition which
are submitted with the initial proposal. Note: The Nominal Criteria option is not for
airfield projects unless specifically approved by the Air Force major command
(MAJCOM), Navy Engineering Field Division (EFD), or USACE Transportation Systems
Center (USACE-TSC).
Partial Criteria. The Government states the purpose, function, and
characteristics of the project and also provides conceptual layouts and design
parameters, pavement designs, and critical details. Partial Criteria includes sufficient
detail for a general quantity take off. (The Partial Criteria option is the preferred option
for airfield projects.)
Full Criteria. The Government provides full project definitions, including a
more comprehensive set of RFP drawings and project implementation requirements
than is prepared for a Partial Criteria project. Full Criteria includes sufficient detail for a
quantity take off. (The Full Criteria option should be used only for special circumstances
where Government preferences are extensive and mandatory and allow little or no
flexibility for the D-B Contractor.)