UFC 3-260-03
15 Apr 01
C-1. DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS. Computer programs have been developed to aid
in the evaluation of airfield pavements. One program entitled Airfield Pavement Evaluation (APE) is for
evaluating pavements and calculation the Pavement Classification number (PCN) using data from direct
sampling. Another program, titled Layered elastic Evaluation Program (LEEP) is for evaluating pave-
ments using data from nondestructive testing. Other programs include ACN that is used for calculating
Aircraft classification Numbers, DCP that is used for reducing the data obtained from dynamic cone
penetrometer test, and ECP that is used for reducing the data obtained from electronic cone pene-
trometer tests. All programs are designed for an IBM compatible PC, running Windows 95 or Windows
C-2. OBTAINING PROGRAMS. Current evaluation programs for rigid and flexible pavements may be
obtained electronically from the following:
World Wide Web (WWW): hppt://pavement.wes.army.mil/ Click on the "Software" option.
C-3. INSTALLING/USING PROGRAMS. The APE and LEEP programs install just like any Microsoft
Windows application. The user must download the program file and Click Start/Run and enter
setup.exe. After the setup program has completed, the user will notice a new icon in the Start/Program
tool bar named "LEEPWIN" or APEWIN". Clicking this icon will begin the execution of the program.
Once the program is executed, the help files will explain how to use the program.