Attachment 9
A9.1. Overview. Jet blast deflectors can substantially reduce the damaging effects of jet blast on
structures, equipment, and personnel. Jet blast deflectors can also reduce the effects of noise and fumes
associated with jet engine operation. Erosion of shoulders not protected by asphaltic concrete surfacing
can be mitigated by blast deflectors. Blast deflectors consist of a concave corrugated sheet metal surface,
with or without baffles, fastened and braced to a concrete base to withstand the force of the jet blast and
deflect it upward.
A9.1.1. Location. The deflector is usually located 20 meters (66 feet) to 40 meters (120 feet) aft of the
jet engine nozzle, but not less than 15 meters (50 feet) from the tail of the aircraft.
A9.1.2. Size and Configuration. Size and configuration of jet blast deflectors are based on jet blast
velocity, and location and elevation of nozzles. Commercially available jet blast deflectors should be
considered when designing jet blast protection.
A9.1.3. Paved Shoulders. For blast deflectors placed off the edge of a paved apron, a shoulder is
required between the blast deflector and the edge of the paved apron.