Attachment 3
21110 Aircraft Maintenance Hangar
A facility which provides space for the maintenance and repair of Army aircraft at all
levels except depot.
Hangars and/or separate adjacent structures are required to conduct the various levels
of aircraft maintenance. These are unit (AVUM), intermediate (AVIM) and general
support as defined in AR 750-1, Army Material Maintenance Policies and Retail
Maintenance Operations.
Hangars will be heated, insulated, adequately lighted for all positions, protected by a
fire protection system; and included in them will have compressed air and static
grounding systems in the hangar floor areas. Space allowances for hangar facilities
are based on the number and type of authorized aircraft, and the maintenance
capability of the unit.
a. Hangar floor space (also called aircraft maintenance space and aircraft space) is
computed by multiplying the number of authorized aircraft times the module area as
discussed in Chapter 8; and adding any area required for access/fire lane, and a 1.5 m
[5.0 ft] wide perimeter safety corridor. Shop space, which is the hangar space other
than hangar floor space, is added to obtain the total hangar space.
b. Hangar structures may include space for the following general functional areas
when required by the TO&E equipment and the aviation unit mission: aircraft
maintenance space and shop space such as technical shops, aircraft parts storage,
aircraft weapons repair and storage, unit TO&E storage, flammable storage,
maintenance administration, unit administration, unit operations, training and/or
briefing facilities. Personal comfort facilities including toilets, showers, locker
facilities, and break rooms should be provided.
c. Where airfield or heliport activities are limited (low volume of aircraft or aircraft
operations) the airfield operations and command functions, normally located in a
separate airfield operations building, may be included in a hangar.
d. Except when individually justified, or when developing designs for Army National
Guard aviation units, authorized areas will not exceed gross square meters (feet)
given in Chapter 8.
21113 Aircraft Parts Storage
A facility which provides for the storage and issuances of aircraft parts and serves as a
supply facility which procures, receives, stocks, and distributes controlled or
expendable aircraft components. This category code should be used for stand-alone
facilities where the parts storage is physically separate from the remainder of the
maintenance activity or to delineate functional areas within the maintenance hangar.
Aircraft parts storage at production facilities is classified using category code 44210,
Aircraft Parts Storage, Production.
21114 Aircraft Maintenance Bay
Area in a hangar where aircraft are parked while being repaired. This category code
will be used for stand-alone facilities where the aircraft maintenance bays are
physically separate from the remainder of the maintenance activity or to delineate
functional areas within the maintenance hangar.