Chapter 6
6.10.6. Parking Angle. The parking angle is dependent on the type of aircraft, type of weapons and
the associated "uninhabited clear zone" location.
6.10.7. Turning Radius. The turning radius for taxilanes on arm/disarm pads should be designed to
provide the minimum allowable turn under power of the largest aircraft which will use the
arm/disarm pad.
6.10.8. Access Road. An all-weather access road should be constructed to the arm/disarm pad
outside the airfield's taxiway and runway clearance areas. Design of this road will be in accordance
with AFM 88-7/TM 5-822-2, General Provisions and Geometric Design for Roads, Streets and
Open Storage Areas, Chapters 3 and 5, and AFM 88-7/TM 5-822-6, Pavement Design for Roads,
Streets, and Open Storage Areas, Chapter 1.
6.10.9. Tiedowns and Grounding Points. Tiedowns and mooring points are not required on
arm/disarm pads. See Attachment 12 for grounding requirements.
standards are discussed in Attachment 10.
Figure 6.20. Arm-Disarm Pad for F-4 Fighter.