Chapter 6
6.8.5. Taxi-In/Taxi-Out Capabilities. The parking locations will have taxi-in/taxi-out capabilities to
allow aircraft to taxi to their warm-up position under their own power, as shown in Figure 6.16.
6.8.6. Parking Angle. Aircraft should be parked at a 45-degree (45) angle to the parallel taxiway to
divert the effects of jet blast away from the parallel taxiway (see Attachment 8 for minimum standoff
distances). This is shown in Figure 6.16.
6.8.7. Turning Radius. The turning radius on warm-up pads will be designed to provide the
minimum allowable turn under power for the largest aircraft assigned to the base.
6.8.8. Taxilanes on Warm-Up Pads. Taxilanes on the warm-up pad will meet the lateral clearance
requirements discussed in Table 6.1. Lateral and wingtip clearance for a taxilane on a warm-up pad
is illustrated in Figure 6.16.
6.8.9. Tie-Downs and Grounding Points. Tie-downs, mooring points and grounding points are not
required on warm-up pads.