Chapter 5
5.11.1. For Fixed-Wing Taxiways. The shoulder for fixed-wing taxiways may be either paved or
unpaved, depending on the agency, class of runway and type of aircraft. Paved shoulder dimensions
along fixed-wing taxiways are presented in Table 5.1. Criteria for fixed-wing taxiway shoulders,
including widths and grading requirements to prevent the ponding of storm water, are presented in
Table 5.1. For USAF, manholes, hand holes, and drainage structures constructed within these areas
should be designed to support a 34,000 kg (75,000 lbs) wheel load and the foundations should be
flush with grade. Maintenance action is required if the drop-off at the edge of the foundation
exceeds 76 mm (three inches).
5.11.2. For Rotary-Wing Taxiways. Paved shoulders are required adjacent to rotary-wing taxiways to
prevent blowing dust and debris due to prop-wash. The criteria for a rotary-wing taxiway shoulder
layout, including shoulder width, cross slopes and grading requirements, are presented in Table 5.3.