Chapter 4
4.5.1. Dimensions Criteria. Table 4.2 presents dimensional criteria for the VFR and IFR one direction
ingress/egress helipads.
4.5.2. Layout Criteria. Layout for VFR and IFR same direction ingress/egress are illustrated in
Figures 4.7 and 4.8.
4.6. Hoverpoints:
4.6.1. General.. A hoverpoint is a prepared and marked surface used as a reference or control point for
air traffic control purposes by arriving or departing helicopters.
4.6.2. Hoverpoint Location. A hoverpoint is located in a non-traffic area.
4.6.3. Dimensions. Table 4.2 presents dimensional criteria for the layout and design of hoverpoints.
4.6.4. Layout. Hoverpoint design standards are illustrated in Figure 4.9.
4.7 Rotary-Wing Landing Lanes. Except when used as an autorotation lane, these lanes permit efficient
simultaneous use by a number of helicopters in a designated traffic pattern.