TM 5-822-2/AFM 88-7, Chap. 5
to public use will not be required.
Purpose and scope. This manual establishes
(2) Replacement. A replacement is a public
general provisions and geometric design criteria for
highway that must be constructed to replace a public
guidance in the design of roads, streets, walks, and open
street or road that has been or will be closed to-public
storage areas at military installations.
use because of the construction or expansion of a
military installation or because of security restrictions.
Definitions. The definitions presented below
(3) Installation. Installation highways include
are included to prevent misunderstanding and confusion
all roads and streets within the site limits of military
resulting from the wide variation in meaning of various
installations which are constructed and maintained by the
terms in local, regional, and general use.
Department of Defense. All installation highways are
comprehensive lists of definitions are presented in the
classified in accordance with their relative importance to
manuals of the American Association of State Highway
the installation as a whole and with respect to the
and Transportation Official (AASHTO) and the
composition, volume, and characteristics of the traffic
Transportation Research Board.
using them.
a. Public way and storage area designations.
(4) Undivided. An undivided road or street is
(1) Highway. A general term denoting a
a roadway having no natural or structural barrier
public way for purpose of vehicular travel including the
separating traffic moving in opposite directions.
entire area within the right-of-way.
(5) Divided. A divided highway is a two-
(2) Road. A term applied to highways in open
directional roadway having a natural or structural barrier
areas. Open areas are defined in i.(2) below.
separating traffic moving in opposite directions.
(3) Street. A term applied to highways in built-
(6) One-way. A one-way road or street is one
up areas. Built-up areas are defined in i.( 1) below.
on which the movement of traffic is confined to one
(4) Walks. Graded strips between buildings
and other facilities adequately surfaced for all-weather
(7) Two-way. A two-way road or street is one
use by pedestrians.
on which traffic may move in opposing directions
(5) Open storage areas. Areas planned and
simultaneously. It may be either divided or undivided.
designed for storing, servicing, and parking of
c. Installation highway designations. Installation
organizational vehicles; or for parking of visitors'
highways will be divided into four general classifications
vehicles, civilian employees, and attached personnel; or
(primary, secondary, tertiary, and patrol roads) in regard
for receiving, classifying, and storing of supplies, new
to their relative importance, and will be further classified
and salvaged materials, and equipment pending
for design and planning purposes into classes A through
assignment for use or distribution; or for salvaging,
F in accordance with topography, land use, speed,
processing, or repairing of equipment.
volume, and composition of traffic as shown in tables 1-1
(6) Hardstand.
Paved portions of open
and 1-2.
storage areas excluding roadways or service traffic
(1) Primary. Primary highways, designated by
the letter "P," include all installation roads and streets
b. Highway designations.
Highways can be
which serve as the main distributing arteries for all traffic
designated according to location: access, replacement,
originating outside and within an installation and which
and installation; cross-section design: undivided and
provides access to, through, and between the various
divided; or directional usage: one-way and two-way.
functional areas.
(1) Access. An access highway is an existing
(2) Secondary.
or proposed public highway which is needed to provide
designated by the letter "S," include all installation roads
highway transportation services from a military
and streets which supplement the primary highway
reservation to suitable transportation facilities. This will
system by providing access to, between, and within the
not include installation highways within the boundary of a
various functional areas.
military reservation that has been dedicated to public use
(3) Tertiary. Tertiary highways, designated
if reasonable assurance can be given that future closure