b. Stage Construction Steps. Construction steps are as follows:
(1) Untreated aggregate surface.
(2) Oil surface treatment.
(3) Single or double bituminous surface treatments.
(4) Mixed-in-place bituminous surfacings.
(5) Plant-mixed bituminous surfacings.
2. TYPES OF LOW-COST PAVEMENTS. Classification of low-cost pavements are:
Oil and soil-cement treatments.
Untreated surfacings (sand-clay, shell, soft limestone, clay gravel).
Single and double bituminous surface treatments.
Road-mixed or mixed-in-place bituminous surfacings.
Plant-mixed bituminous surfacings.
Penetration macadam.
Asphaltic concrete.
3. DESIGN. The design of low-cost roads usually is similar to that of
mechanically stabilized subbases and bases. For basic requirements, see Table
17. Proper maintenance is an integral feature of satisfactory low-cost roads.
Basic Requirements for Low-Cost Roads
*Load Bearing Capacity * Must be able to support traffic loading and volume. *
* anticipated traffic.
* Must be stable when wet.
* Must not be excessively slippery when wet.
*Volume change
* Low shrink and swell properties.
* Should be a dense gradation for impervious surface, *
* to minimize infiltration.
* Have slight excess of fines.
* Compact to high density at optimum water content
* for maximum stability and impermeability.
* Maximum liquid limit = 35.
* Granular materials similar to base and subbase
* materials. Must utilize locally available materials*
* to maximum extent.
* Use: Pit-run sands and gravels, caliche, chert, and *
* other suitable local materials, possibly modified. *