Pavement Design for Roads, Streets and Open Storage Areas, Elastic Layered Methods - indexChapter 1 General - ufc_3_250_10fa0009Chapter 2 Basis of Pavement DesignFrost Considerations.Chapter 3 Vehicular Traffic - ufc_3_250_10fa0012Table 3-1. Representative Configuration DataChapter 4 Elastic Moduli of Pavement MaterialsFigure 4-1. Relationship Between Design (Mean) Pavement Temperature and Design Air Temperature.Figure 4-2. Prediction of Asphalt Concrete Modulus for Bituminous Layers.Table 4-1. Minimum Unconfined Compressive Strengths for Cement, LimeTable 4-2. Modulus of Soil Reaction.Figure 4-4. Correlcation Between Resilient Modulus of Elaticity and Static Modulus of Soil ReactionNondestructive Testing ProcedureChapter 5 Design CriteriaTable 5-1. Operations Per Coverage Ratio, Flexible Pavements.Table 5-2. Operations Per Coverage Ratio, Rigid Pavements.Figure 5-1. Subgrade Strain Criteria for Roads and StreetsChapter 6 Flexible Pavement DesignDesign Example for a Conventional Flexible Pavement.Table 6-1. Values and Damage for Trail ThicknessesTable 6-2. Bituminous Concrete Moduli for Each Month for ABC Pavement Design Based on Bituminous Concrete Strain.Table 6-3. Bituminous Concrete Moduli for Each Month for ABC Pavement Design Based on Subgrade Strain.Table 6-4. Strain Values and Damage for ABC Pavement, 32-kip Tandem-Arle, Dual-WheelsChapter 7 Concrete PavementsReinforced Concrete PavementsFigure 7-1. Reinforced Concrete Pavement DesignTable 7-1 Computed Coverage for Example 2Table 7-2 Computisions of Cumulative Damege for Example 2Table 7-3. Cumulative Damage Computed for M1 Tank.Table 7-4 Compused Design Coverage for Example 4 Table 7-5. Computatiions of Cumulative Damage for Example 4 Chapter 8 Overlay PavementsFigure 8-1. Chart for Determining Cr for Concrete Overlays.Rigid Overlay of Flexible and Composite Base PavementsFigure 8-2. Chart for Determining C, For Flexible OverlaysFigure 8-3. Determination of Effective k Value on Top of Base CourseFigure 8-4. Chart for Determining F-Factor for Flexible OverlaysAppendix B Procedure for Determining the Modulus of Elasticity of Unbound Granular Base Figure B-1. Relationships Between Modulus of Layer n + 1 for Various Thicknesses Appendix C Procedure for Determining the Fatigue Life of Bituminous ConcreteFigure C-l. Repeated Flexure Apparatus.Figure C-2. Initial Mixture Bending Strain Versus Repetitions to Frature in Controlled Strees TestsProvisional Fatigue Data for Bituminous ConcreteAppendix D Computer Aided Sign for Pavement DEsign for Roads, Streets, and OPen Storage Areas, Elastic Layered Methods