TM 5-822-11/AFP 88-6, Chap. 7
applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1-1. Purpose. This manual contains guidance
for ensuring the quality of joint and crack sealing
1-3. References. Appendix A contains a list of
or resealing of bituminous and portland cement
concrete pavement.
references used in this manual.
1-2. Scope. Current state-of-the-art tech-
1-4. Background. Sealing joints and cracks in
niques and materials are presented in this manual
bituminous and portland cement concrete pave-
to aid in achieving reduced life-cycle costs by
ment is an effective method of extending pavement
providing information concerning the specifica-
life and reducing the need for extensive repair
tion, use, and quality control of sealants for pave-
work. When sealing is performed at the proper
ments. Sealants covered by Federal Specifications
time, using the appropriate materials and proce-
(FS) SS-S-1401C, SS-S-1614A, SS-S-200E, and
dures, life-cycle costs of the pavement structure
American Society for Testing and Materials
can be reduced. One of the major factors in
(ASTM) D 2628 are discussed in the following
achieving optimum pavement performance is to
paragraphs. The newer types of sealants which are
properly seal and maintain joints and cracks.
not covered by the above specifications are not
When incorrect procedures or poor quality materi-
discussed in detail in this manual and must be
als are employed, major costs may result. Improp-
considered on an individual basis. This manual
er procedures can in fact accelerate other forms of
does not address all of the safety problems associ-
ated with the procedures and materials described
guidance on the evaluation of existing sealant
herein. It is the responsibility of the user of this
condition, criteria for replacing sealants, data on
manual to obtain the appropriate material safety
selecting sealant materials, sealant installation
data sheets (MSDS) and to establish appropriate
procedures, and guidelines for inspection during
safety and health practices to determine the
and after the sealing operation.