TM 5-822-7/AFM 88-6, Chap. 8
When paving rectangular section, paving should be
D-9. Placing. For most pavement applications,
in the short direction in order to minimize the length
RCCP should be placed with an asphalt paver or
and number of cold longitudinal and transverse
similar equipment. The paver should be equipped
joints. Two or more pavers operating in echelon may
with automatic grade-control devices such as a
reduce the number of cold joints by one half or
traveling ski or electronic stringline grade-control
greater, and are especially recommended in road
device. A paver having a vibratory screed or one
equipped with a tamping bar is recommended to provide
construction where the entire width of the road can
a satisfactory surface texture and some initial
be placed at the same time.
compaction when the RCCP is placed. Necessary
adjustments on the paver to handle the RCC include
D-10. Compaction.
enlarging the feeding gates between the feed hopper
a. General. RCCP is best compacted with a
and screed to accommodate the large volume of stiff
material moving through the paver, and adjusting
dual-drum (10-ton static weight) vibratory roller
making four or more passes over the surface to
the spreading screws in front of the screed to insure
achieve the design density (one back-and-forth
that the RCC is spread uniformly across the width of
motion is two passes). Table D-1 describes vibratory
the paving lane. Care should be taken to keep the
rollers that have been used on five recent RCCP
paver hopper from becoming empty to prevent any
projects. To achieve a higher quality pavement, the
gaps or other discontinuities from forming in the
primary compaction should be followed with two or
pavement. The concrete should be placed and
more passes of a 20-ton pneumatic-tired roller (90
compacted within 45 minutes after water has been
psi minimum tire pressure) to close up any surface
added to the batch. When paving adjacent lanes, the
voids or cracks. The use of a dual-drum static (non-
new concrete should be placed within 90 minutes of
placing the first lane (forming a "fresh" joint), unless
vibratory) roller may be required to remove any
roller marks left by the vibratory or pneumatic-tired
procedures for cold joint construction are followed
roller. A single-drum (l O-ton) vibratory roller has
(see para D-11). The height of the screed should be
been used successfully to compact RCCP, but may
set even with the uncompacted height of the adja-
require the use of a pneumatic-tired or dual-drum
scent lane, thus allowing simultaneous compaction of
static roller to remove tire marks.
the edges of the adjacent lanes into a fresh joint.