UFC 3-250-03
15 May 2001
wet or the seal will not break properly and will not penetrate into the pavement. Excess seal left on the
surface must be blotted with clean sand and broomed.
a. General. Rejuvenation is the spray application of a material on an asphalt surface for the
purpose of rejuvenating an aged asphalt cement binder. This rejuvenation is intended to extend the life
of the asphalt pavement by softening or rejuvenating the surface asphalt toward the properties it had
shortly after construction. Rejuvenators are spray applied to the pavement surface and allowed to
penetrate into the pavement.
b. Materials. Rejuvenators are not generally specified by ASTM or any other organization. The
various rejuvenators available are proprietary products. Fog spray applications of emulsified asphalt
cannot be considered to act as rejuvenators.
c. Application rate. The rate of application will vary greatly with the condition of the pavement
surface. Dry, oxidized, and open textured pavements will absorb the most material and will be able to
absorb the highest amount of rejuvenator. The application rate used should be the amount of material
that can be absorbed within 12 to 24 hours of application depending on the trafficking needs of the
rejuvenated pavement. Manufacturer's recommendations concerning dilution and other factors must be
d. Placement. Prior to placement of the rejuvenator the pavement surface shall be thoroughly
cleaned of all loose material. Rejuvenators are usually placed with an asphalt distributor truck.
Manufacturer recommendations concerning application temperature and dilution of the material should
be followed. Areas with excess material should be blotted with clean sand and broomed. Rejuvenators
can reduce the skid resistance of treated pavement surfaces. Any excess material not removed will
e. Control. The asphalt distributor should be calibrated and checked according to ASTM D 2995.
Test sections should be done on small sections of the pavement to be rejuvenated to test various
application rates and function of the distribution equipment.