TM 5-822-5/AFM 88-7, Chap. 1
thickness of subbase needed beneath the insulation
D-4. Design of Insulated Pavement for Limited
is obtained by subtracting the previously established
Subgrade Freezing.
It may be economically advantageous to permit
thicknesses of base, determined from structural
some penetration of frost into the subgrade. Ac-
requirements, and of insulation, determined from
cordingly, the total depth of frost penetration given
figure D-3. Not less than 4 inches of subbase
by figure D-3 may be taken as the value a in figure
material meeting the requirements of chapter 18
18-3, and a new combined thickness b of base,
should be placed between the insulation and the
insulation, and subbase is determined that permits
subgrade. If less than 4 inches of subbase material
limited frost penetration, into the sub- grade. The
is necessary, consideration should be given to