TM 5-822-5/AFM 88-7, Chap. 1
divided further into various levels of frequency. If
should be determined from the column for class E
the tracked vehicle or forklift traffic is composed of
roads or streets, again taking into account the
vehicles from more than a single traffic category, it
relative traffic frequencies where there are vehicles
will be necessary for the designer to determine the
from more than a single traffic category.
(2) Special-Purpose Vehicles. Information re-
anticipated frequency of traffic in each category in
order to determine the appropriate design index.
garding pavement design requirements for special
For example, 40 vehicles per day of category VI
purpose vehicles producing loadings significantly
traffic require a greater pavement design index than
greater than those defined in this manual will be
does one vehicle per day of category VII traffic.
requested from Headquarters, US Army Corps of
Thus, the designer cannot rely on maximum gross
Engineers (CEMP-ET), or the appropriate Air
weight alone to determine pavement design index
Force Major Command.
values. For vehicular parking areas, the design index