5.3.2 Air Quality. Air quality impacts at the transfer station include
idling of collection vehicles during dumping operations, exhaust from
operation of front-end loaders or crawler tractors, and dust generated by
the unloading of collection vehicles and haul vehicles. Site users and
workers are exposed to dust especially when stations are enclosed; howeve
an enclosed station decreases the impacts on the surrounding community.
The impact on air quality due to waste transfer is measurable; howeve
it is less than if waste is hauled directly to the disposal site via
collection vehicles.
5.3.3 Odors. Objectionable odors can occur when mixed solid waste
containing organic matter accumulates in an environment conducive to
putrefaction. To minimize odors, the waste receiving area at the transfe
station should be designed and staffed to handle peak day loads with
adequate time provided for a thorough daily cleanup.
5.3.4 Traffic Congestion. Traffic to and from the transfer station may
cause congestion on nearby streets and intersections. Also, haul operati
can cause significant congestion thereby slowing station operations.
Scheduling of collection and transfer truck trips to avoid peak traffic
hours can reduce this problem.
5.3.5 Litter. The site should be fenced to contain any blowing litter,
a daily litter cleanup procedure should be included in the operation plan
All solid waste transferred to and unloaded at the site should be covered
minimize the problem. Haul trailers do not generally contribute to
littering because the solid waste is usually compacted or completely
contained inside the truck.
5.3.6. Water Contamination. Water pollution impacts at the transfer
station stemming from rainfall into the transfer containers or washdown o
the transfer station area and of the transport vehicles can be mitigated
collecting and channelling runoff waters to a sewer system, or by collect
and treating the runoff prior to disposal.
5.4 Transfer Station Siting. Finding an optimal transfer station site c
be accomplished in the following manner:
a) Determine the type and size of site required for initial transfer
station operations and for possible future expansion of transfer station
operations or construction of resource recovery facilities.
b) Identify potential areas where a site of this size could be locat
c) Evaluate potential sites using the following criteria:
1) Collection and transfer vehicle access.
2) Availability of proposed site for use as a transfer station.
3) Proposed future surrounding land use.
4) Existing facilities adjacent to proposed site.
5) Environmental impacts (e.g., visual, odors, etc.).
6) Foundation conditions.
7) Central to existing and proposed future collection areas.
8) Proximity to existing or projected future disposal