TM 5-814-2/AFM 88-11, Vol. 2
cover depth of 3 feet will ordinarily be required for
least 12 inches above the top of the pressure pipe.
Where a pressure pipe must cross a potable water line,
freeze protection. However, in unusually cold climates,
a greater depth may be required.
the pressure line will always be installed below the water
line with a minimum vertical clearance of 2 feet.
d. Protection of water supplies. Force mains and
Pressure pipe joints will not be closer than 3 feet to the
pressure sewers will not be installed closer than 10 feet
crossing unless fully encased in concrete.
horizontally to potable water lines. If conditions prevent
a 10-foot clearance, a minimum distance of 6 feet will
be allowed provided the bottom of the water pipe is at