EI 11C201
1 March 1997
be required for outdoor use. A positive separation will bemaintained between the potable water
system and any piping orappurtenances subject to contamination. Warning signs will beposted
at all water taps not directly connected to the potablewater supply. The positive separation will
be accomplishedeither by providing a break with an air gap, or by installingbackflow prevention
devices. Air Force facilities will complywith AFM 85-21.
9-9. FLOW MEASUREMENT. Flow meters installed to indicate andrecord the discharge from
the pump station, and from individualpumps, will be provided at all medium to large sized
stations. Ameter installed in the discharge header provides valuableinformation on the operation
of the station, and will be required where pumping capacity is expected to increasesignificantly in
the future. Pressure gages are required onindividual pump discharge lines, and on the station
dischargeheader. Elapsed time clocks will be mounted on all pump motorstarters. For smaller
stations utilizing constant speed pumps,an elapsed time clock may be used in lieu of a pipe
mounted flowmeter to measure pump discharge. This will also aid inscheduling routine
maintenance on the motor since most smallstations are unattended. A non-corrodible depth
gage installedin the wet well will generally suffice for very small pumps;flows can be estimated
from depth measurements taken manually. The types of flow measuring devices to be used for
largewastewater pumps of the constant, adjustable or variable speedtype, include flow tubes,
venturi meters, magnetic and ultrasonicflow meters
9-10. PAINTING AND PROTECTIVE COATS. The use of paints andprotective coatings at
wastewater pumping stations will be inaccordance with current practices and environmental
conditions. The protective coatings industry is constantly changing and creating improved and
more environment specific products. A thorough investigation will be made in the design of
protective coating systems. Paint materials selected will be appropriate for the types of surfaces
being protected, both submerged and non-submerged. Coating systems will be designed to
resist corrosion from the wastes being handled, and from gases and vapors present, taking into
consideration the expected temperature and humidity variations within the station. Coating
systems will consist of adequate surface preparation, and the application of prime and finish
coats using compatible materials as recommended by the coatings manufacturer. All pumps and
equipment will receive protective coatings in conformance with the manufacturer's
recommendations. All ferrous materialsincluding galvanized surfaces will be protected.
Particular carewill be taken to protect welds and threads at connections. Package type stations
will be shipped to the construction sitewith factory applied paints and coatings sufficient for the
required service.