EI 11C201
1 March 1997
9-1. GENERAL. Pumps, piping, and equipment must be protected from the weather as dictated
by local climate conditions. In cold climates pumps and piping must be protected from freezing
and are usually completely housed in structures. In warm climates portions of stations may be
located in outside enclosures which must provide protection from moisture and other weather
related conditions. The impact of noise on the surrounding area and the need for security
fencing will be considered for all stations. Standard windows for unattended remote located
stations may be deleted for security reasons, if other provisions such as skylights or high
windows are made for natural lighting or if artificial lighting is provided to assist periodic
maintenance. The equipment must be located so as not to be subject to flooding. The site will
be graded to drain surface water away from structures and wet wells. Buildings will be designed
in compliance with local codes and regulations. Building layouts must be designed logically
considering the sequence of installation of initial and future equipment if future expansion is
planned. The need for storage facilities for equipment parts and tools should be considered and
provided as needed.
a. Station configuration. The space requirements of pumps,piping and equipment, along
with the storage volume required inthe wet well, will be carefully determined so that the
propersize, shape and configuration of the pumping station can beselected. The size and shape
of the station will often bedictated by equipment other than pumps, such as bar screens,
comminutors, grit collectors, etc. Rectangular or squarestructures normally have more usable
interior space than circularones, and will be employed whenever possible in the design ofmedium
to large sized pumping facilities. However, where thebelow ground portion of the station must be
made deep toaccommodate incoming sewers, and where foundation conditions arepoor, circular
caisson type structures will be required iflateral earth pressures are excessively high. Factory
assembledor package type stations will generally be circular in design,and will be anchored to
base slabs where warranted by subsurfaceconditions. Pump stations located in cold regions or
in seismic zones will require special design considerations.
b. Designing for operation and maintenance. The design of medium to large sized,
conventional type pumping facilities will include adequate floor openings, doorways, or access
hatches for the installation, removal, and replacement of the largest items of equipment. Work
place safety of operation and maintenance personnel and security of the facility will be
considered in the overall design. Space will be provided for removing equipment for repair
without interruption to other equipment. Consider the space required to remove bolts from thrust
harnesses of sleeve couplings and to slide couplings off joints. Interior dimensions in the dry well
or structure will provide a minimum clearance of 1.2 meters (4 feet) between adjacent pump
casings, and a minimum of 1 meter (3 feet) from each outboard pump to the closest wall. Other
major items of equipment will be provided similar spacing. A 2.1 meter (7-foot) minimum
clearance between floor and overhead piping will be maintained where practicable. Smaller
package type stations will be furnished with necessary access openings for removal of pumps
and equipment, however interior dimensions and clearances will generally be less than for field
erected stations. Small stations with above ground equipment can be enclosed with a removable
cover. Wet wells for medium to large sized stations will be divided into two or more