EI 11C302
1 October 1997
Table B-2. Flue Gas Volumetric Flow Rate.
1. Fuel Fired, lb/h
2. Theoretical Air to Fuel Ratio, lb/lb fuel
3. Theoretical Dry Air, (1) x (2) lb/hr
4. Excess Air, %
5. Excess Air, (4) x (3) / 100 lb/hr
6. Actual Dry Air, (3) + (5) lb/hr
7. Moisture, 0.013 x (6) lb/hr
8. Total Air, (6) + (7) lb/hr
9. Moisture in Fuel, (H2O) x (1) lb/hr
11. Combustion Products, (1) x [1-(H2O) - (H2) - (Ash) ] lb/hr
12. Total Dry Gas, (11) + (6) lb/hr
13. Total Moisture, (7) + (9) + (10) lb/hr
14. Flue Gas Temperature, F
15. Absolute Pressure, psia
16. Volumetric Flow of Dry Air, (6) x 0.00617 x [460 + (14) ] / (15) ACFM
17. Volumetric Flow of Dry Products, (11) x 0.00596 x [460+(14)] / (15)
18. Volumetric Flow of Moisture, (13) x 0.00993 x [460 + (14) ] / (15)
19. Total Volumetric Flow, (16) + (17) + (18) ACFM
SOURCE: Steam by Babcock & Wilcox.