subsoil information, subsurface explorations are necessary. This
investigation may be carried out with shovel, posthole digger, or
solid auger with an extension handle. In some cases the
examination of road cuts or foundation excavations will give
useful information. If subsurface investigation appears
suitable, percolation tests should be made at typical points
where the disposal field is to be located. Percolation tests
determine the acceptability of the site and serve as the basis of
design for the liquid absorption. Consult EPA 625/1-80-012 for
percolation test procedures.
Mound Systems. Many installations are sited on
low-lying plains, reclaimed swamps, or poorly drained areas.
Saturated soil conditions or a high clay content, a high water
table, shallow depth to bedrock, and slow percolation make
ordinary soil disposal techniques unfeasible (see On-Site
Treatment, Boyle and Otis, 1982). In these situations, the
septic tank mound system may then be feasible.