Ship Discharges. Table 4 lists the maximum ship's
complement, daily flow, maximum discharge, number of pumping
stations, total number of pumps, and number and location of
discharge connections for selected ship types. Where destroyers
or submarines are nested next to a tender, and the tender is
berthed at a pier, the nested ships will discharge into the
tender and the tender will discharge to the pier at the rate
listed for the tender.
In designing pier sewage collection systems to receive
sewage from ships, include facilities to meter the total flow
through the collection system. Consult the activity's Public
Works Department for metering needs. The location of meters
necessary to provide the needed information will be determined by
the layout of the collection system, but in no case should this
exceed one flow measurement meter at the shore end of each pier.
It is not necessary to meter the flow from individual ships. Flow Rate Variations. Domestic wastewater flows on
other weather-influenced flow variations. In addition, the
effect of industrial and ship discharge flows as well as the
variable nature of military operations may significantly affect
flow variations. To minimize flow variations, flow equalization
should be considered. Equalization can be applied to specific
industrial or other flows which exhibit wide variations, or to
the entire wastewater flow. When estimating flows, consider the
a) Industrial flows such as vehicle and aircraft wash
facilities that occur during specific hours. If these flows
coincide with peak domestic flows, they should be added to the
peak flows.
b) Ship holding tank discharge flows. Flow rates will
depend on the total volume of flow to be handled and the time
required to convey the wastewater to the treatment facility.
Design equalization systems to equalize the flows so as to
minimize their effects on peak flows and loads. Conveying ship
wastewaters to the treatment facility at night when domestic
flows and loads are low will further reduce their impact.