(3) Injection of Compressed Air. The injection of
accretion becomes negligible.
(4) Back washing. This method involves filling
the well with water and forcing it out repeatedly by air
pressure until the well is developed.
inhibited hydrochloric acid may be poured into the well first.
Compressed air is then applied to force the acid into
blocks are dropped into the well. The surge produced by the gas
effects the release of the clays in the strata.
b) Results Required. At the conclusion of the
development, suspended matter should not exceed 2 ppm in water
delivered, as determined by various samples. The point of
collection is important as the samples must be representative.
Sanitary Protection. Protect all wells against
EPA-570/9-75-001, Manual of Individual Water Supply Systems.
particular, extend the well casing a minimum of 12 in. above
Disinfection of Well.
Follow standards for AWWA,
Sealing Abandoned Wells.
Follow standards for
AWWA, A -100.
Saltwater Intrusion Protection . In a coastal aquifer,
avoid over pumping which induces salt water into a fresh
groundwater basin. In certain situations, seawater intrusion
barriers may be necessary.
Control of saltwater intrusion
may be accomplished by:
Modification of pumping
Artificial recharge
Pumping troughs