Industrial Uses. These uses include cooling, issues
to ships, irrigation, swimming pools, shops, laundries, dining,
guide to planning, refer to water demand data at other
activities having uses similar to those anticipated. For
specific requirements, refer to Table 3.
Fire Protection Demands. Refer to MIL-HDBK-1008C,
Fire Protection for Facilities Engineering, Design, and
Construction , for criteria.
Design Capacity of System Components. In planning,
each system should be analyzed to determine the governing water
use. The coincident demand of various uses will determine the
design capacities of components of the system.
Source of Supply. The source should meet the Military
activity's quantity demands. Where there is inadequate storage
between the source and the treatment plant or distribution
system, the supply should provide maximum day domestic demand
expressed by Equation (2), plus industrial use demand. If wells
are the source of supply, sufficient capacity should be
available to satisfy the maximum day domestic demand plus
industrial use demand, with the largest well (or mechanical
system) out of service.