TM 5-814-8
Table 8-8. Typical dewatering performance
sand bed furnaces. The multiple hearth furnace is
of filter presses (167)
not designed for intermittent operation primarily
Cake Solids
because a significant amount of fuel is required
(percent dry solids
for start-up of the unit. For fluidized sand bed
by weight)
Sludge type
furnaces, the sand retains enough heat that the
Raw Primary
Activated Sludge
furnace can be shut down for 8 to 10 hours and
Primary & Activated Sludge
then be restarted without the use of start-up fuel.
Alum Sludge
Metal Hydroxide Sludge
Fuel requirements for normal operation of the
units are 20 to 25 percent higher for fluidized bed
(5) Incineration. The two most common types
furnaces. The selection of the type of furnace
of incinerators in use, both in civil and military
installations, are multiple hearth and fluidized
used should be made on a case by case basis.