TM 5-814-8
it may be necessary to consider the application of
ing or equipment maintenance, the major portion
a membrane process for reuse or discharge, refer-
of wastewater produced at a military installation
ence should be made to appropriate design manu-
will be domestic waste similar in characteristics
als or manufacturer's literature for information on
to that produced in a residential area. However,
design criteria.
for those installations with industrial facilities,
f. Physical and chemical process comparisons.
certain process wastes produced on-site require
Table 6-6 provides a comparison of the key
separate consideration. The following are exam-
wastewater treatment processes which must be
ples of these waste producing processes:
considered for pollution control programs at mili-
Munitions manufacturing, loading, assem-
tary installations. These comparisons include ma-
bling and packing.
jor equipment required, preliminary treatment
Metal plating.
steps, removal efficiency, resource consumption,
Washing, paint-stripping and machining
economics and several other factors which must
be considered.
Photographic processing.
6-4. Industrial process wastewater
Other process waste sources include hospitals and
blowdown from cooling towers, boilers and gas-
a. Introduction. Except at those facilities where
scrubber systems. Chapter 3 of this manual
the principal function is manufacturing, process-
describes typical industrial waste producing pro
Summary of physical and chemical wastewater treatment processes
Table 6-6.
Major Treatment
Treatment Steps
Equipment Required
Unit Process
Nitrogen removal . Hiqh
At least secondary treat-
Chlorine contact basins and
Breakpoint Chlorination
chemical costs and side
chlorination equipment may
tally concerting to nitro-
for Ammonia Removal
effects make process most
require carbon adsorption
ammonia form. The higher
gen gas. Process also serves
attractive as a back-up
the degree of treatment,
step to remove potentially
as disinfection step.
system in case of failure of
the less chlorine required
toxic chloro-organic
primary nitrogen removal
to reach breakpoint.
compounds formed.
process and for removal of
remaining trace ammonia
Where standards require
Clarifier, usually solids
Usually secondary treat-
Lime Clarification
Primary purpose is to
over 90% phosphorus removal,
ment although lime clari-
contact up-flow type, with
chemically precipitate
or phosphorus concentrate ions
fication of raw wastewater
phosphorus. Secondary
sludge collection equip-
below 0.5 mg/L, or as an ad-
is practiced in physical-
purpose is to remove sus-
ment; chemical feed equip-
ditional step for suspended
chemical plants.
pended solids and associ-
ment; and recarbonation
sol ids removal. Recalcination
facilities. Low alkalinity
ated BOO.
of lime sludge generally un-
wastewaters may require
economical in plants under
two-stage system with
10 mgd capacity.
two clarifiers. Lime recal -
cining furnance and re-
lated equipment may be
used for large facilities.
Screening and usual1 y
Primary purpose is to
Chemical feed equipment,
Mineral Addition to
grit removal.
Primary Sedimentation
mixing and flocculating
chemically precipitate
basins for existing pri-
phosphorus. Secondary
mary sedimental ion basins.
purposes are increased
suspended sol ids and BOO
removal in primary sedi -
mentation, thereby de-
creasing the load on
secondary treatment
Filters and backwash
Generally at least sec-
Multi-Media Filtration
Suspended sol ids
dary treatment.
remova 1.
Microscreens and tanks.
Suspended sol ids removal.
1. AWT - to remove trace
1. AWT - secondary
Granular Carbon
Carbon contractors, carbon
treatment followed by
regeneration furnance,
organic and produce high
quality effluent.
filtration for down-flow
and carbon storage
contractors. Filtration
2. PCT - remove carbon-
not necessary for up-flow
aceous BOD as in secondary
2. PCT - remove organic
material instead of by
2. PCT - chemical
coagulation of raw