TM 5-813-8
Economic considerations. The selection of
Purpose. This manual describes the guidelines
one particular type of design for a water desalination
to be followed in selecting a process capable of
system/subsystem, when two or more types of design
producing potable water supplies from brackish and sea
are known to be feasible, must be based on the results
water sources. Potable water is defined in TB MED 576.
of an economic study, in accordance with the
Army potable water quality requirements can be found in
requirements of DOD 4270.1-M and PL 95-619, 9 Nov
TB MED 576. Information on required pre- and post-
78. The results of these economic studies are to be
treatment design, water distribution, and storage can be
included in the design/analysis documentation for the
found in the TM 5-813 series.
project. All such studies are to be conducted in
accordance with HQDA's economic-studies criteria for
General design considerations.
Military Construction Program (MCP) designs.
desalination facilities will be designed as simply as
Clarification of HQDA criteria for a particular application
possible and will produce a final product water in
or supplementary criteria and guidelines that may be
keeping with operational needs. Desalination process
required for special cases may be obtained by request
selection will be site-specific and will include evaluations
through normal channels to HQDA (DAENECE-G),
of product quality and quantity, raw feed water sources,
Wash. DC 20314-1000.
and available energy sources.
Potable water will
contain less than 500 milligrams per liter of total
dissolved solids (TDS). (One milligram per liter is equal
Appendix A contains sample
to one part per million.) Technological processes not
problems illustrating use of information presented in this
covered in this TM that are proposed for selection must
document. Various tests and analyses required or used
be approved by DAENECE-G.
in desalination treatment of water are listed in Appendix
B. Appendix C contains a list of references used in this
Special design considerations.
facilities require improved water quality, such as boiler
feed water or medical facility waters, additional water
treatment systems will be installed.