TM 5-813-7/AFM 88-10, Vol. 7
wood frame construction with a maximum floor area of
1-1. Purpose This manual establishes the minimum
8,000 square feet, the water supply system will be
water supply requirements for fire protection and
designed to simultaneously provide a 1,000 gpm fire flow
domestic purposes at various small military projects. It is
rate and the domestic demand for a 2-hour duration.
intended to be used by all Army and Air Force personnel
(2) When the building floor area exceeds
responsible for the planning and design of military
these limits, refer to MILHDBK 1008 for Army users and
AFM 88-10, Chap. 6 for Air Force users for fire
protection water supply requirements.
1-2. Scope This manual prescribes the duration and
rates of flow required for fire hydrant hose streams. It
1-4. Domestic water requirements
establishes criteria concerning the treatment of water,
All stations with populations of 500 or more will be
pumping, pneumatic pressure systems, and the location
designed on the basis of a demand or 150 gallons per
of fire hydrants. Many special projects and tactical sites
capita per day. Where the population is less than 500,
have special water requirements that are not covered by
the following demands will govern:
referenced Technical Manuals. This manual covers
a. Air defense tactical sites, including family
water supply requirements for some of these sites;
housing. Average demand will be 150 gallons per capita
requirements for those not mentioned will be covered by
per day. Peak demand will be determined according to
special instructions from CDR USACE (DAEN-ECE-G),
fixture units (National Standard Plumbing Code) plus 50
WASH DC 20314-1000, for Army projects; and HQ
gpm to any one of the underground structures. Residual
USAF/LEEE, WASH DC 20332, for Air Force projects.
pressures will be not less than 30 pounds per square
inch at the emergency shower fixtures and not less than
1-3. Fire protection requirements
20 pounds per square inch at other fixtures.
a. Air defense tactical sites. Fire protection water
b. Air control and warning stations.
will not be provided by installed water supply systems.
demand will be 150 gallons per capita per day. Minimum
b. Family housing at tactical sites.
pressure in the distribution system will be 30 pounds per
(1) When the maximum single-floor area of
square inch.
Where sufficient supply at required
the largest building does not exceed 5,000 square feet,
pressure is not available from an existing dependable
the water supply system will be designed to
source, a pneumatic pressure system will be necessary,
simultaneously supply a fire flow rate of 500 gallons per
supplemented by a ground storage tank and pump
minute (gpm) and the domestic demand for a 2-hour
equipment (TM 5-810-5/AFM 888, Chap. 4).
c. Reserve centers. Demand will be based on
(2) When the single-floor area of a building
fixture units (National Standard Plumbing Code).
exceeds 5,000 square feet, refer to MILHDBK 1008 for
d. Use of existing fixtures. Expansion of existing
Army users and AFM 8810, Chap. 6 for Air Force users
facilities that have proved adequate will not be
for fire protection water supply requirements for that
undertaken solely to comply with these criteria. Where
c. Air control and warning stations. The water
accommodated by existing facilities, these facilities will
supply will be designed to simultaneously provide a 500
not be expanded. If the increased population will require
gpm fire flow rate and the domestic water demand for a
expansion of existing facilities or if existing inadequate
2-hour duration.
and unsuitable facilities are to be replaced, the capacity
d. Reserve centers.
factor will be applied.
(1) When the reserve center is of
noncombustible construction with a maximum floor area
of 12,000 square feet or of heavy timber, ordinary or