d. Pressure Testing and Pressure Washing. This item is usually paid
for by the hour and includes only pumping or injection time measured to
the nearest minute.
e. Furnishing Ingredients for Grout. A separate bid item should be pro-
vided for each ingredient used in the grout (except water). Solids are usually
measured for payment by the cubic foot or pound, liquids by the cubic foot or
gallon. For cement grouting a sack of cement is considered as 1 cu ft. All
costs involved in purchasing, handling, transporting, and storing the ingre-
dient as necessary to have it available at the grout plant when needed are
included in this item.
f. Connections to Grout Holes. A pay item for connecting the grout
lines and header to the hole or packer is often included. Each connection,
as discussed below, is consider-ed a unit for payment purposes. The pur-
pose of this item is to compensate the contractor for time and labor re-
quired to move the grout lines from one hole to another as needed to begin
injection in a new location. Whenever such moves and connections are made
in pressure testing or pressure washing, similar payment should be made.
Moving a packer in a hole does not require any relocation of the grout lines;
therefore, successive sets in the same hole do not require separate pay-
ments under this item,
g . Placing Grout. Payment for placing grout comprises compensation
for all mixing, pumping, and cleanup costs. Payment can be made either by
the cubic foot or other appropriate unit of measurement for each ingredient
in the grout, except water, or payment can be made by the hour for pumping
time as in pressure testing. If payment is by volume or weight, a separate
item should be used for each ingredient. Payment by the hour provides for
easy inclusion of periods of ordered short delays. These can be paid for at
a specified percentage of the hourly rate for pumping. Ordered long delays
of indefinite duration should not be included in this item since the contractor
can continue operations at another location during these periods. If the
stage- grouting method is to be required, cleaning grout out of holes before
it takes a hard set should be a part of this item.