Dewatering and Groundwater Control - indexChapter 1: Introduction - ufc_3_220_050010Permanent groundwater controlFigure 1-2. Permanent groundwater control systemChapter: Methods for Dewatering,Pressure Relief, and Seepage CutoffFigure 2-1. Dewatering open excavation by ditch and sumpFigure 2-2. Self-jetting wellpointDeep-well systems - ufc_3_220_050016Vertical sand drains - ufc_3_220_050017Figure 2-6. Jet-eductor wellpoint system for dewatering a shaftSlurry wallsSelection of dewatering systemFigure 2-10. Electra-osmotic wellpoint system for stabilizing an excavation slopeGeologic and soil conditionsTable 2-1. Summary of Groundwater Control MethodsDepth of groundwater loweringFigure 2-12. Dewatering Systems Applicable to Different SoilsFigure 2-13. Recharge of groundwater toprevent settlement of a building as a result of dewatering operationsChapter 3: Geologic,Soil ,and Groundwater InvestigationsFigure 3-1. Geologic profile developed from geophysical explorationsFigure 3-2. Permeameters: (a) constant head and(b) falling headGroundwater characteristicsTable 3-2. Specific Yield of Water-Bearing Deposits in Sacramento Valley, CaliforniaField pumping testsFigure 3-5. Formulas for determiningpermeability from field failing head testsSurface water - ufc_3_220_050034Chapter 4: Design of Dewatering, Pressure Relief, and Groundwater Control SystemsFigure 4-1. Flow and head for fully penetrating line slot; single-line source; artesian, gravity, and combined flowsFigure 4-2. Height of free discharge surface hs; gravity flowFigure 4-3. Flow and head for partially penetrating line slot; single-line source; artesian, gravity, and combined flowsFigure 4-4. Flow and head for fully and partially penetrating line slot; two-line source; artesian and gravity flowsFigure 4-5. Flow and head (midway) for twopartially penetrating slots; two-line source; artesian and gravity flowsFigure 4-6. Flow and head for fully and partially penetrating circular slots; circular source; artesian flowFigure 4-7. Head at Center of Fully and Penetrating Circular Slots:Circular Source: Artesian FlowFigure 4-8. Flow and drawdown at slot for fully and partially penetrating rectangular slots; circular source; artesian flowFigure 4-9. Head within a partially penetrating rectangular slot; circular source; artesian flowFigure 4-10. Flow and drawdown for fully and partially penetrating single wells; circular source; artesian flowFigure 4-11. Flow and drawdown for fully and partially penetrating single wells; circular source; gravity flowFigure 4-12. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating single well; circular source; combined artesian and gravity flowsFigure 4-13. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating multiple wells; circular source; artesian and gravity flowsFigure 4-14. Drawdown factors for fully penetrating circular, rectangular, and two-line well arrays; circular source; artesian and gravity flowsFigure 4-15. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating circular well arrays; circular source; artesian flowFigure 4-16. Flow and drawdown for partially penetrating circular and rectangular well arrays; circular source; artesian flowFigure 4-17. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating single well; line source; artesian and gravity flowsFigure 4-18. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating multiple wells; line source; artesian and gravity flowsFigure 4-19. Drawdown factors for fully penetrating circular, line, two-line, and rectangular well arrays; line source; artesian and gravity flowsFigure 4-20. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating infinite line of wells; line source; artesian flowFigure 4-21. Flow and drawdown for fully and partially penetrating infinite line of wells; line source; artesian flowFigure 4-22. Flow and drawdown for fully penetrating infinite line of wells; line source; gravity flowFigure 4-23. Approximate radius of influence RTable 4-1. Index to Figures for Flow, Head, or drawdown Equations for Given CorrectionsFigure 4-24. Hydraulic Head Loss in a WellFigure 4-25. Hydraulic Head Loss in Various WellpointsCircular and rectangular slotsFlow-net analysesFigure 4-26. Shape factors for wells of various penetrations centered inside a circular sourceFigure 4-27. Flow and drawdown to slots computed from flow netsFigure 4-28. Flow and drawdown to wells computed from flow-net analysesFigure 4-29. Diagrammatic layout of electrical analogy modelWellpoints, wells, and filtersFigure 4-30. Typical Design of a Filter for a Well or WellpointPumps, headers, and discharge pipesFigure 4-33. Characteristics of 6-inch jet pumpFigure 4-34. Deep-well turbine pumpTable 4-2. Capacity of Various Size Submersible and Deep- Well Turbine PumpsFactors of safetyDewatering systemsDewatering open excavationsVacuum wellpoint systemDeep-well systems - ufc_3_220_050078Cement and chemical grout curtainFigure 4-36. Flow beneath a partially penetrating cutoff wallDewatering shafts and tunnelsFreezing Control of surface water Control of surface water -Cont.Chapter 5: Installation of Dewatering and Groundwater Control SystemsWellpoint systemsFigure 5-2. Self-jetting wellpointFigure 5-3. Characteristic parts of a wellpoint pumpVertical sand drains - ufc_3_220_050089Piezometers - ufc_3_220_050090 Hollow-stem auger methodDevelopment and testing - ufc_3_220_050092Chapter 6: Operation and Performance ControlControl and evaluation of performanceOperational recordsChapter 7: Contract SpecificationsData to be included in specificationsMeasurement and paymentAppendix B: NotationsAppendix B: Notations -Cont. - ufc_3_220_050101Appendix B: Notations -Cont. - ufc_3_220_050102Appendix B: Notations -Cont. - ufc_3_220_050103Appendix C: Field Pumping TestsFigure C-2. Layout of piezometers for a pumping testFigure C-3. Section of well and piezometers for a pumping test with gravity flow near wellFigure C-4. Coefficient of permeability kh of various strata determined from a pumping test and flow measurements in the well screenEquilibrium pumping testFigure C-6. Drawdown in an observation well versus pumping time (semilog scale)Nonequilibrium pumping testTables C-1. Values of W(u) jor Values of UFigure C-8. Method 1 (Superposition) for solution of the nonequilibrium equationFigure C-9. Method 2 for solution of the nonequilibrium equationFigure C-11. Time-drawdown curves for various conditions of rechargeFigure C-12. Drawdown versus elapsed pumping time for a step-drawdown testRecovery testFigure C-16. Typical drawdown and recovery curves for a well pumped and then allowed to reboundFigure C-18. Displacement of residual drawdown curve when aquifer conditions vary from theoretical conditionsAppendix D: Examples of Design of Dewatering and Pressure Relief SystemsFigure D-1. Open excavation; two-stage wellpoint system; gravity flowFigure D-2. Open excavation; deep wells; gravity flowFigure D-3. Open excavation; artesian flow; pressure relief design by flow netFigure D-4. Open excavation; combined deep-well and wellpoint system; gravity flowFigure D-5. Open excavation; pressure relief combined with sand drains; artesian and gravity flowsFigure D-6. Trench excavation; pressure relief by wellpoints; artesian flowFigure D-7. Rectangular excavation; pressure relief by deep wells; artesian flowFigure D-8. Shaft excavation; artesian and gravity flows through stratified foundation; deep-well vacuum systemFigure D-9. Tunnel dewatering; gravity flows; deep-well systemFigure D-10. Sump and pump capacity for surface runoff to an excavationAppendix E: Transformation of Anisotropic Soil Conditions to Isotropic Soil ConditionsAppendix F: Well and Total Discharge MeasurementsFigure F-5. Pipe cap orifice chartApproximate measurement methodsFigure F-7. Effective area factor for partially filled pipeFigure F-10. Formulas for computing flow over various types of weirsTable F-2: Dimensions and Capacities,Parshall FlumesAppendix G: Examples of Detailed Dewatering SpecificationsControl of waterMaintaining excavation in dewatered condition - ufc_3_220_050139Specifications - ufc_3_220_050140Jet-eductor wellpoint systemPressure relief wells and pumpsPiezometers - ufc_3_220_050143Compliance with specifications and drawingsDesign of dewatering systemsTesting dewatering systemSurface water controlInstallation of wells Placement of sand filterPumping test on each wellEquipment and materialsOperation and repair or replacementPumping test on the dewatering systemsInstallation of well screen and filter sandJet-eductor pumps and header pipePiezometers - ufc_3_220_050156Development and testing - ufc_3_220_050157Dewatering system flowStandby turbine pumpsMaintaining excavation in dewatered condition - ufc_3_220_050160