TM 5-818-4/AFM 88-5, Chap. 5
1-1. Background. Military facilities for the
(3) Inspector training programs were conducted to
point out critical areas and emphasize proper backfill
Army and Air Force have included construction of
buildings and other structures partially below ground
procedures and the need for continuous surveillance
surface. In more recent years, missile launching and
and close control.
support structures, fallout and blast-protection shel-
c. The advent of energy efficient structures, partial-
ters, and command-control centers have been con-
ly embedded below ground level, had increased the use
structed below ground surface. Many of these struc-
of backfill. In addition, the ever increasing need for
tures were constructed using cut-and-cover procedures
fuel conservation requires maximum use of all exca-
and required backfilling within confined areas using
vated or onsite materials for backfill to reduce fuel
various types of soil.
needed for hauling in better materials from offsite.
a. Numerous deficiencies in backfilling operations
Thus, innovative planning and design and good con-
occurred in some of the earlier missile-launch con-
struction control using rapid check tests are impera-
struction programs and caused conditions that jeop-
tive for all backfill operations.
ardized the proper functioning of those structures.
1-2. Purpose and scope. This manual is for the
Measures to correct deficiencies were both time con-
guidance of designers, specification writers, and es-
suming and costly. It was recognized that critical areas
pecially field personnel engaged in designing, plan-
must be delineated and the causes of the deficiencies
ning, and conducting earthwork operations around
be determined and corrected.
major deep-seated or subsurface structures.
b. Measures were taken to alleviate the overall back-
a. The greatest deficiencies in earthwork operations
filling problems. These measures were progressive
around deep-seated or subsurface structures occur be-
modification of design and configuration of structures,
cause of improper backfilling procedures and inade-
more detailed instructions to the construction person-
quate construction control during this phase of the
nel, and close control during construction to ensure
work. Therefore, primary emphasis in this manual is
that proper construction practices were being fol-
on backfilling procedures. Design and planning con-
siderations, evaluation and selection of materials, and
(1) Some of the problem areas were eliminated by
other phases of earthwork construction are discussed
modification of design and configuration of structures
where pertinent to successful backfill operations.
to allow easier placement of backfill and to permit ac-
cess of compaction equipment so that required
b. Although the information in this manual is pri-
densities could beachieved.
marily applicable to backfilling around large and im-
(2) Construction personnel were issued more de-
portant deep-seated or buried structures, it is also ap-
tailed field directives covering some of the particularly
plicable in varying degrees to backfilling operations
difficult phases of backfill placement.
around all structures, including conduits.