UFC 3-220-01N
15 AUGUST 2005
Table 3-1 Foundation Possibilities for Different Subsoil Conditions
Foundation Possibilities
Subsoil Conditions
Light, Flexible Structure
Heavy, Rigid Structure
Deep Compact or Stiff Deposit
Footing Foundations
Footing Foundations or
Shallow Mat
Deep Compressible Strata
Footing Foundations on
Deep Mat with Possible Rigid
Compacted Granular Zonea, or
Construction in Basementa, or
Shallow Mata, or
Long Piles or Caissons to By-
Pass, or
Soft or Loose Strata Overlying
Bearing Piles or Piers, or
Bearing Piles or Piers, or
Firm Strata
Footing Foundations on
Deep Mat
Compacted Granular Zonea, or
Shallow Mata
Footing Foundationsa, or
Compact or Stiff Layer
Deep Mat (Floating), or
Shallow Mata
Overlying Soft Deposit
Long Piles or Caissons to By-
pass Soft Deposit
Alternating Soft and Stiff
Footing Foundations , or
Deep Mat, or
Shallow Mat
Piles or Caissons to
Underlying Firm Stratum to
provide Satisfactory
Consider possible advantages of site pre-loading, with or without vertical drains, to accelerate
(Courtesy L.J. Goodman and R.H. Kerol, Theory and Practice of Foundation Engineering, 1968, P.312
Reprinted by permission MacMillan Company, Inc., New York)