UFC 3-210-10
25 October 2004
Energy Processing. LID features that incorporate vegetation can help to
moderate high ambient air temperatures. Even on a small scale, vegetation will have a
local cooling effect. Vegetation can be selected and placed to improve shading, or to
provide a buffer against winds. Using vegetated roofs can result in significant energy
savings in the operation of a building's air conditioning system.
Multifunctional Infrastructure and Buildings. Some LID features can
simultaneously provide a variety of hydrologic functions. A bioretention area, for
example, can filter runoff for quality control, detain it, and infiltrate the stormwater into
the ground. Similarly, vegetated roofs on buildings reduce runoff, reduce pollutants in
both the water and the air, and moderate the internal building temperature.
Ancillary Benefits. This UFC describes LID primarily in terms of hydrologic
impacts. LID runoff management strategies can also contribute to an aesthetically
pleasing landscape, increasing the value of the property where these strategies are
employed. In a variety of completed projects, micro-scale runoff management features
have provided architectural interest in various forms, such as employing berms in
otherwise open spaces, rainwater channels along pedestrian streets, fountains fed by
intermittent stormwater, and bioretention areas that attractively subdivide large parking
lots. The visibility of these features also provides opportunities for citizens and property
owners to become more aware of the importance of stormwater in our urban