TM 5-803-13/AFM 126-8
(fig 2-9). Plantings can also be used to direct people
Plantings require more space and maintenance than
through outdoor spaces by visually defining and rein
fences or walls used for screening purposes. Where
forcing patterns of movement (fig 2-10). The degree of
limited area prohibits use of plant screens, a fence or wall
enclosure, separation, or movement depends to a large
softened in appearance with vines or a few shrubs may be
extent on the density and type of plantings. The effec-
an effective and economical solution.
b. Buffer plantings. Plantings used as buffers may be
tiveness of deciduous plantings varies with the season,
whereas evergreens are consistent year-round.
composed of lawn areas; shade trees planted in groups; or
a. Planting screens. Plants with dense, abundant foli-
age may be used as screens to conceal objects or views.
evergreen shrubs (fig 2-11).