TI 804-01
1 July 1908
9/ Proposed improvements and other changes that will impact the site.
(5) Site Visit. A site visit is essential to the preparation of a site analysis. It
provides a visual assessment of features such as architectural character, significant views,
landscape character, and prominent land features should be inspected and recorded. The AEI
provides guidance for the procedures of the visual survey. The site visit provides the
opportunity to:
(a) Review and verify existing information. This can be done visually and with
photography and sketches.
(b) Evaluate the compatibility of existing on- and off-site conditions.
(c) Discover previously unknown or unrecorded conditions and factors.
(d) Evaluate the design qualities and visual qualities of the site.
b. Evaluation. The evaluation phase includes analyzing the data collected and
preparing site opportunities and constraints map.
(1) Site Analysis. After the detailed base maps and data for the site are collected,
the data should be recorded on the maps to define in detail the physical and environmental
characteristics of the site and its immediate environment. Site analysis at this stage of site
planning is a far more detailed analysis of the specific site. Site analysis includes preparing a
detailed drawing. This drawing should include all of the detailed information defined in data
collection. The map will be an accurate depiction of the site and its characteristics including:
(a) Off-site conditions. Information concerning the surrounding environment.
The following information must be obtained to perform an accurate site analysis.
1/ Surrounding Land Use. Surrounding land use should be recorded and
the appropriate land use category verified.
2/ Transportation. A Site Traffic Impact Analysis for the area should be
prepared. Survey the adjacent roadways showing existing lanes, curb, drainage, and curb
cuts. Existing and proposed hierarchy of roadways, carrying capacities, design vehicle, and
current traffic counts for a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic. Future plans should include all
proposed new roadways or roadway improvements that would impact the site.
3/ Utilities. Surveyed location of all utilities in the immediate vicinity to the
site including the size of the lines, capacities of generation, current and projected demand, and
proposed expansion. The utilities to be included are:
a/ Water system with locations of fire hydrants.
b/ Sanitary sewer system.