d) Measure adhesion as required in the contract
specification. Adhesion measurements vary from those made with a
knife (ASTM D 3359, Measuring Adhesion by Tape) to those that
determine the amount of force needed to remove a dolly (Section
10 and ASTM D 4541, Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable
Adhesion Testers) that has been cemented to the surface.
e) Examine the coatings on steel structures for
pinholes using a holiday detector as described in NACE RP0188 and
Section 10, if required in the contract specification.
f) Record the results of observations in the record
Document photographs taken and retain in the record book.
Year Warranty Inspection. The warranty inspection
includes a visual inspection of the film, and may involve a
chalk, film thickness, and adhesion measurements. Since the film
was found to be essentially free of defects upon completion of
the job, a goal of the inspection is to identify contractually
unacceptable defects that have formed during the course of the
year. Resolution of film deficiencies should follow the same
steps as for the final inspection. Deficiencies should be
recorded in the logbook. Documented photographs (date, location,
and photographer) should be included if deemed necessary to
resolve contract disputes.