TM 5-805-12
Figure 15. Modular lead-lined control screens.
Figure 16 shows typical baffle designs for use in secondary protective barriers. Since the primary protective barrier in a
diagnostic and superficial (low voltage) therapy x-ray room need not extend above 7 feet from the finished floor, openings
in the wall above this height generally do not require radiation baffles. For orthovoltage (150 to 500 kV) and megavoltage
installations, the wall shielding should extend to the ceiling barrier or to the roof, necessitating baffles for ducts, conduits,
etc., passing through the walls.
(1) Where ducts terminate at a grille in the wall surface of a primary protective barrier, a lead-lined baffle may
be required in front of the grille. The baffle must be at a sufficient distance to permit adequate