TM 5-852-5/AFR 88-19, Volume 5
--From table 12-4, m = 0.95 inch/(EF)(d)
(3) Ice thickness on water bodies can be esti-
mated from the previous depth of freezing equations
or from equations 12-3 with the m values in table
x = (0.95)(3000)
12-4 (see example 12-9a). Snow cover has a
= 52 inches
significant insulting effect and can significantly
= 4.33 feet.
reduce the maximum ice thickness (see example 12-
9b). The ice formation can be greater than calculted
--The Stefan equation (equation 12-4) can also be
if the weight of snow or the lowering of the water
level causes cracks in the ice and water overflows
onto the surface. This water is drawn into the snow
and the mixture refreezes and bonds to the original
the freezing isotherm, ice in this case, so
from table 12-2:
ice = 1.28 BTU/ft hr EF
L = volumetric latent heat of material
undergoing phase change, in this case
water, so:
Latent heat of water at 32EF =
12-9. Design examples.
144 BTU/lb
Eight typical examples are given below to illustrate
Density of water at 32EF = 62.4 lb/ft3
the utilization of the calculation procedures des-
L = (144 BTU/lb)(62.4 lb/ft3) =
cribed above.
8985.6 BTU/ft3
a. Estimate the practical maximum ice thickness
Ig = (3000EF d)(24 hr/day) = 72,000 EF hr
on a water reservoir with no snow cover when the
annual air freezing index (Ig) is 3000 EF d. Use
equation 12-3:
x = m(Ig)
= 4.5 ft.