TM 5-852-A/AFM 88-19, Chap. 4
d. The water content of a soil exerts a
b. In a field experiment on a silt subgrade near
substantial effect upon the depth of freeze or thaw
Fairbanks, Alaska, a series of 25-feet-square areas were
penetration which will occur with a given surface freezing
loaded to values ranging from 0 to 8 psi as shown in
figure 2-5 . Ventilation ducts were incorporated in the
or thawing index. An increase in moisture content tends
construction so as to achieve essentially equal depths of
to reduce penetration by increasing the volumetric latent
subgrade frost penetration in the test sections. As
heat of fusion, as well as the volumetric specific heat
shown in figure 2-6 the seasonal maximum frost heave
capacity. While increase in moisture content also
in this field experiment was reduced from about 0.5 feet
increases thermal conductivity, the effect of latent heat of
to about 0.3 feet with only a 2-psi applied surcharge load
fusion tends to be predominant.
and to less than 0. I feet with an 8-psi applied load.
c. Figure 2-7 presents the same data in the
2-4. Effect of surcharge.
form of total stress at the freezing interface (which
a. It has been demonstrated beyond question
includes weight of both frozen soil and applied
in both laboratory and field experiments that the rate of
surcharge) versus seasonal heave and frost penetration.
frost heaving is decreased by increase of loading on the
This type of presentation is more basic than that in figure
and that frost heaving can be
freezing plane
2-6 because it takes into account the total stress against
entirely restrained if sufficient pressure is applied . In
which ice segregation is acting at any point during the
foundation design the heave-reducing effect of load may
freezing. These data indicate that for 5 ft of seasonal
be readily taken advantage of by placing mats of non-
subgrade frost penetration an increase in total stress at
frost-susceptible materials on the surface of frost-
the freeze/thaw interface from 4 to 10 psi reduced
susceptible soils to reduce the magnitude of seasonal
seasonal frost heave from 0.4 to 0.15 feet.
frost heaving. Where the depth of winter freezing is not
d. On the plot of rate of heave versus applied
limited by the presence of underlying permafrost, the
heave-reducing effect of such mats is not solely the
effect of load; it is also partly a result of the reduction of
subgrade frost penetration. The load imposed by the
structure and foundation members also contributes to
heave reduction.
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Figure 2-6. Heave vs frost penetration for various applied loadings, surcharge field experiment". See figure 2-5 for plan
and elevation of test installation.