TM 5-852-1/AFR 88-19, Volume 1
Department of Defense directives. Procedures outlined
National environmental policy
are similar to those described for Army installations.
The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA)
AFR 19-2 establishes policies, assigns responsibilities
sets forth the policy of the Federal Government, in
and provides guidance for preparation of environmental
assessments and statements for Air Force facilities.
concerned public and private organizations, to protect
and enhance environmental quality.
All Federal
agencies, in response to NEPA, must be concerned not
Environmental effects
only with the technical and economic aspects of their
Arctic and subarctic military facilities could have either
activities but also with the impact on the environment
beneficial or adverse environmental impacts, affecting
(CFR 40, 1500-1508).
the air, the water, the land, the local ecology and the
socio-economic environment. Despite low population
U.S. Army environmental quality program
density and minimal development, the fragile nature of
the ecology of the Arctic and Subarctic has attracted the
attention of environmental groups interested in
environmental policies, management of its program, and
protecting these unique assets. For Army projects,
its various types of activities. The overall goal is to
guidance in preparing required Environmental Impact
"plan, initiate, and carry out all actions and programs in
Assessments (EIA) and Environmental Impact
a manner that will minimize or avoid adverse effects on
Statements (EIS) can be requested from the U.S. Army
the quality of the human environment without
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory in
impairment of the Army mission."
Champaign, Illinois. Air Force installations can obtain
guidance in preparing the required EIA or EIS, or both,
3-3. U.S. Air Force environmental quality program
from the Major Command Environmental Coordinator or
from HQ USAF/LEEV, Washington, D. C.
AFR 19-1 enunciates Air Force policy in compliance
with the above-stated NEPA, executive orders and