UFC 3-120-10
15 June 2006
2-3.1 Functional Design
Facility designs will be governed by the functional requirements of the project, will
conform to the appropriate criteria and standards, and will be consistent with applicable
funding limitations. Provide facilities and furnishings that achieve optimum life-cycle
savings. Conduct comparisons as needed to determine the most life-cycle cost
effective, materials, finishes, methods of construction, furnishings and services.
2-3.2 Design for Flexibility.
Flexibility in architectural and interior design facilitates the accommodation of changing
functional requirements while conserving resources. The U.S. military may own or
lease a facility from its time of construction until the end of its useful life. During this
long tenure of use, functional requirements of buildings will change, often drastically.
For this reason, flexibility is a significant design requirement for buildings, except for
those with highly specialized functions where adaptive reuse would be cost prohibitive.
2-3.3 Cost Engineering.
Cost Engineering (CE) will be an integral part of the design process. Apply the CE
principles and practices in the pre-design and programming development stage relative
to establishing costs. Initiate more CE costs relative to the scope and requirements at
the concept design on program documents and use throughout the design and
construction of projects.
2-3.4 Life-Cycle Costs.
Base design decisions on life-cycle cost considerations to determine an economical
design for facilities. Take into account not only the initial construction costs but also the
operating and maintenance costs of buildings, the associated impacts on productivity
and the missions performed within the facility over their anticipated life. Designers must
design within current cost criteria and requirements of each project's programming
documents and Form DD 1391.
2-3.5 Value Engineering.
Value Engineering (VE) will be an integral part of the design process, regardless of
project size. Initiate VE in the development of the concept design based on program
documents and use VE during the design and construction of projects.
2-3.6 Accessibility Requirements.
Federal facilities open to the public and/or facilities with civilian employees must be
accessible. Ensure the building design and furniture plans meet Americans with
Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Interior signage within accessible
facilities must meet current ADAAG requirements.