UFC 3-120-01
11.17.1. Usage. Bulletin boards are used to display many kinds of information, including notices,
regulations, memoranda, and posters to promote worthwhile causes and advertise special events.
11.17.2. Appearance. The appearance of a bulletin board is completely dependent on the visual
quality and organization of the materials mounted on it. The unit commander or the person in
charge of maintaining the bulletin board must insist that materials are kept current and neatly
11.17.3. Description. The Type EE1 bulletin board consists of a permanent header panel with a
general title, such as "Notices" or "Information", and a cork panel for bulletins and
11.17.4. Colors. Colors to coordinate with building interior color scheme.
Header panel - white letters on dark background.
Cork panel - muted tone to coordinate with building interior color scheme.
11.17.5. Dimensions. 900 mm x 1 800 mm (3'- 0" x 6'- 0").
11.17.6. Typography. Heading - upper and lower case Helvetica medium, 50 mm (2") capital
letter height, flush left.