UFC 3-120-01
main sign categories are Information, Direction, Identification and Regulation.
11.8. Other Information. Bulletin boards display materials that relate to information, regulation,
and motivation and are covered at the end of this chapter. The size, recommended design and layout
for each type of sign are provided on the following pages. Information on typography and graphics
can be found in Chapter 2. See Chapter 12 for information on sign structure and details.
11.9. Building Directory Sign Types AA1 and AA1a.
11.9.1. Usage, Location and Visibility. Types AA1 and AA1a building directories are used for
major buildings. They are located in the main entrance lobby and should be clearly visible to
visitors as they enter the building. For purposes of the ADAAG, these are considered to be
temporary signs and need not comply.
11.9.2. Components of Type AA1. The Type AA1 building directory has two components. The
permanent header panel gives the name of the building or the major organization, and may also
show the unit organization emblem. The directory section is a changeable letter board with
molded plastic letters that have tabs to align the letters in the slots of the letter board. It lists the
name of each tenant in the building.
11.9.3. Components of Type AA1a. The Type AA1a building directory is similar to the Type
AA1 directory, with the addition of a schematic building floor plan to assist in visitor
11.9.4. Building Directory Sign type AA1 Layout. Colors. Colors should coordinate with the building interior design scheme. Dimensions. 900 mm x 1 800 mm (3'- 0" x 6'- 0"). Typography.
Heading: upper and lower case Helvetica medium, 50 mm (2") capital letter height,
flush left.
Secondary Heading: upper and lower case Helvetica regular, 50 mm (2") capital
letter height, flush left.
The heading area will accommodate two lines with a maximum line length of 30 tiles
or characters per line.
Text: upper and lower case Helvetica medium, 12 mm ( ") capital letter height,
flush left.
The text area will accommodate three columns of 19 lines each, with a maximum
line length of 45 tiles or characters per line. Emblem: Authorized organizational emblem, 100 mm x 100 mm (4" x 4"), upper
left corner.