UFC 3-120-01
Figure 8.5. Information Sign Type G2 Panel Layout.
8.7. Pedestrian Information Sign Type G3.
8.7.1. General Information. The Type G3 Pedestrian Information Sign provides directional
guidance for pedestrians. On training bases and on bases with campus plans, pedestrian
circulation is often separate from vehicular circulation and requires its own guidance system.
This sign type is also useful in large parking areas at facilities such as community centers and
office complexes.
8.7.2. Design Parameters. Use a separate sign slat for each destination so that messages can be
changed without remaking the entire sign face. In cases where the sign shows six destinations
which are not likely to change, the sign may be fabricated as a single panel. Separate the
destinations with white rules. As shown in Figure 8.3, two different post heights are used with
Type G3 signs. Use the 1 800 mm (6'- 0") posts for signs with four to six destinations and the 1
500 mm (5'- 0") posts for signs with two to three destinations. Place no more than six and no
fewer than two destinations on a Type G3 sign.