UFC 3-120-01
Street Address: street address number and street name, upper and lower case Helvetica
medium, 75 mm (3") numbers, flush left.
4.16.5. Emblem. Authorized organizational emblem, 150 mm x 150 mm (6" x 6"), upper left
4.16.6. Rules. 3 mm (1/8") wide, white tape.
4.16.7. Layouts. See Figure 4.18 for the sign layouts.
4.17. Military Identification Sign Type B3.
4.17.1. General Description. Use Type B3 signs to identify squadron level units and squadron
components or their equivalents. Tenant squadrons and squadron headquarters may use either the
Type B3 sign or the Type B2 sign at the discretion of the base commander.
4.17.2. Placement of Graphics (Figure 4.19). Do not use organizational emblems on the Type B3
sign. Position the building number in the upper left corner of the sign, in place of an emblem, for
better visual balance.
4.17.3. Colors. White letters and numbers on standard brown background.
4.17.4. Dimensions. 750 mm x 1 050 mm (2'-6" x 3'-6")
4.17.5. Typography (Figure 4.19).
Unit Name: upper and lower case Helvetica medium, 75 mm (3") capital letter height,
flush left.
Secondary Information: upper and lower case Helvetica regular, 75 mm (3") capital letter
height, flush left.
The message area accommodates three lines, with a maximum line length of 17 tiles or
characters per line.
Street Address: street address number and street name, upper and lower case Helvetica
medium, 100 mm (4") numbers, flush left.
4.17.6. Emblem. Organizational emblems are not permitted on Type B3 signs.
4.17.7. Rules. 3 mm (1/8") wide white tape.
4.17.8. Layouts. See Figure 4.20 for the sign layouts.