UFC 3-120-01
1.4.4. Minimize the number of signs on base. A primary objective of this system is to reduce the
number of signs and to eliminate the visual clutter that results from over signage. Locate signs
only where they are absolutely needed to provide orientation. As a general rule, provide one sign
for each building. The number of direction signs can be minimized if the streets are properly
identified in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (MUTCD) and if good base maps are made available to visitors at entry points.
The MUTCD is available from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration, Washington D.C. 20590.
1.4.5. Signs are an important part of the impression made by a base. Use signs of high quality
design and construction in order to present a professional image for the Air Force. Chapter 12
gives sample specification and details for sign construction.
1.4.6. Building-mounted regulatory signs used to denote hazardous materials, paint lockers, etc.
should be kept to the minimum number and size required to meet safety regulations.
1.5. Limitations.
1.5.1. There are several standards and references which are relevant to sign design and
placement. These include the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines, the
National Fire Protection Association Code for Safety to Life, the Federal Highway
Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the U.S. Department of
Transportation's Standard Highway Signs publication and Traffic Control Devices Handbook.
This document is intended to supplement, not replace these references, which continue to be the
authority for the issues to which they apply. Part VI of the MUTCD, Traffic Controls for Street
and Highway Construction, Maintenance, Utility and Emergency Operations is currently
available on the Construction Criteria Base (CCB) in the Documents Library under FHA
Criteria. Parts I through V and VII through IX will be added in the future. For the interim, the
entire manual can be ordered from the Superintendent of Documents. Use stock number 050-
001-00308-2 and write to the following address:
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington D.C. 20402
1.5.2. Commercial equivalent activities such as Air Force Services activities, Army and Air
Force Exchange Service activities and the Defense Commissary Agency, which typically have
standard, recognizable image signs and symbols, may deviate from the standards for facility
identification signs defined in this document. These activities are permitted to use the standard
image sign and symbols appropriate to their function which provide an attractive, identifiable
image and/or wording that is easily recognizable to potential users as long as they are set in a
framework that is consistent with the installation's architectural guidelines. The signs should be
tastefully done and complement the architectural character of the installation. The size,
placement and material composition of these signs will be consistent with MAJCOM standards,
coordinated with the installation Sign Control Group as defined below, and approved by the
installation commander. Signs for facilities on the National Historic Register, or within a