UFC 3-110-04
11 January 2007
sheet metal components are determined to be non-repairable, refer to
Architectural Sheet Metal Manual for technical information, specifications and
drawings related to replacement sheet metal components.
Thermoset Membranes
Membrane Repairs. Refer to Section 4, Parts 1 through 23 and 27
through 32 of Roof Repair Manual for Low-slope Membrane Roof Systems.
Insulation Repairs. Refer to Section 4, Parts 24 through 26 of
Roof Repair Manual for Low-slope Membrane Roof Systems.
Flashing Repairs. Refer to Section 4, Parts 33 through 41 of Roof
Repair Manual for Low-slope Membrane Roof Systems.
Sheet Metal and Penetration Repairs. Refer to Section 4, Parts
42 through 53 of Roof Repair Manual for Low-slope Membrane Roof Systems. If
sheet metal components are determined to be non-repairable, refer to
Architectural Sheet Metal Manual for technical information, specifications and
drawings related to replacement sheet metal components.
Spray Applied Urethane Foam Systems (SPF)
Coating Repairs. Refer to Page 20 of the Maintenance of
Membrane Roofing Systems (RIEI). Identification of the type of coating (typically
silicone, polyurethane, or acrylic) is crucial to the longevity of the repair.
Personnel who have experience with these coatings shall do this determination.
Insulation repairs. Refer to Page 20 of the Maintenance of
Membrane Roofing Systems (RIEI). Detail 1 shall be used whenever long term
repairs are necessary. Detail 2 shall only be used for short-term repairs.
General. SPF roof systems by their nature can be difficult for
maintenance personnel to effectively repair even the most minor deficiencies. It
is highly recommended that all repair work for SPF roof systems be contracted to
an experienced SPF roof contractor.
Protected Membrane Roof Systems (PMR)
General. PRM systems are differentiated from traditional roof
systems in that the thermal insulation is installed loose laid over the membrane
and held in place with ballast such as gravel or concrete pavers. Removal and
storage of the overburden components is necessary in order to perform repairs to
the membrane. Due to the difficulty of the removal work, and the potential for
additional damage as a result, maintenance personnel shall attempt to locate as
closely as possible the areas of needed repairs in accordance with paragraph 1-
5.7 in order to minimize the amount of overburden removed.