UFC 3-110-03
26 September 2006
Use this UFC in conjunction with the current edition of the National Roofing Contractors
Association (NRCA) Roofing and Waterproofing Manual (NRCA Manual) and the Metal
Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) Metal Roofing Systems Design Manual
(MBMA Manual) to provide specific design guidance for Military roofing projects. This
UFC explains how to apply the NRCA Manual and the MBMA Manual to the design of
Military projects (including Army, Navy, and Air Force). It cannot be used
independently as a design guideline. Further, use this UFC in conjunction with UFC 3-
330-02A Commentary on Roofing Systems, which provides considerations in the
selection of a roofing system.
This UFC is applicable to all military projects and contractors responsible for roofing
system design, installation, and maintenance. Family housing requirements may differ
from the requirements stated herein. Where one Military Service's criteria vary from the
other Services' criteria, it is noted in the text.
Roofing design begins with system selection documented in UFC 3-330-02A followed
by system design using this UFC, the NRCA Manual, and the MBMA Manual.
System Selection.
UFC 3-330-02A provides the major considerations in selecting a roofing system. It
covers both new construction and reroofing existing structures. UFC 3-330-02A
compares produce cost effective, long-lasting roofing systems. While UFC 3-330-02A
provides general guidelines for selecting a system, Chapters 2 through 5 of this UFC
provide details on many roofing systems and offer guidelines to selecting a system.
System Design.
The NRCA Manual and the MBMA Manual provide information regarding the design and
construction of roofing systems. However, because of the emphasis on low life cycle
cost, this UFC limits the applicability of certain techniques permitted by NRCA and
MBMA. The NRCA Manual (fifth edition) comprises four volumes. Table 1-1 illustrates
the relationship of this UFC with the NRCA Manual. Use the MBMA Manual for the
design of metal roof systems in combination with the NRCA Manual. See Appendix B
as appropriate.